Lucky Star Show + Tell, LLC

You CAN Draw

With Heidi Lowell

Class Information

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Class Descripton

I will bet you $10 I can improve your drawing skills significantly within our 3 hour class together. Drawing is mostly about seeing things and being fully present, in a meditative sort of state, and letting go of preconceived notions. Once you learn to shift from your right brain (the side where your inner critic lives) to your left brain (home of abstract thinking and creativity) you will never see things the same way again – literally.

We’ll start the class by addressing the creative ghosts that weight us down. After that, it will all be play! I am a huge believer that playing is the best way to learn. We will play a game to help us step out of our right brain and into our left brain. You’ll learn practical skills to switch off your right brain when needed.
We’ll work with charcoal pencils to explore color value, and learn the magic that artists use to make flat images look three dimensional.

Everyone who has ever taken this class with me has been blown away by the difference between their drawing from the beginning to end, and I am willing to bet that you will be no different.

Materials to Bring

Supply Fee Includes

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love + stardust,
Lisa & the Lucky Star Team

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Lucky Star 2023 is currently full, but things happen and there is always a chance that someone may have to cancel.  Sign up for our waiting list and we will contact you if a spot becomes available!